Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's been awhile

I check my DD and dear DIL's blogs quite regularily, but it's been a few months since I have updated mine.

A while ago I was introduced to Firefly (the tv series) and found the only place to rent it was through Netflicks. Signing up I didn't realize that it would change so much of what I do. I have totally turned into a television series junkie. I haven't written, drawn, scrapbooked since I got hooked. My time hasn't been a total loss as while I have watch I have been charity crafting.
Their gain, my loss.

I was making so much progress in learning about art and I am missing not drawing. It seems like I'm so tired that by the time I get home from work that after dinner I just crash. Justifying the tv watching, I pick up my knitting or crocheting needles making baby hats, booties, sweaters . . .

I seem to put energy (what little I have) into whatever passion I have at the time. When it stops it is like I have hit a brick wall and I can hardly bear to get back into the project (s). I wish I could have balance. I make a goal, the written statement, but don't follow it up with the rest of the plan, nor follow the plan.

I am not one of the natural born organizers, it is a constant struggle. I make lists and plans and they go to garbage more often that not. Things out of sight are lost forever, or until I accidently stumble over them. Okay I'm rambling, but I do that alot. I decided I best get back into the blog scene. It may be a way to get my mind grounded, besides I miss reading my favorite blogs. And I almost didn't remember my password. Back to work, sorry for mistakes, not going to read this or I'll delete it.