Interesting information on another person's blog about why artist blog. It got me thinking about why I blog.
There are several good reasons why not to. Cyberspace is a scary place and not everyone is who they seem. Some of us cover up, some let down their walls. Sometimes it is a time waster. Just a couple of the negs.
It gives me a place to keep a hopefully daily diary of my sketching, keeps me modivated. Sometimes I get feed back which is gratefully appreciated. Another is while it still is a novelity it keeps me in touch with my daughter in law and one of my daughters. I love seeing what is new in their lives even though we have phones and email it is easier to see what is happening.
It has also given me an opportunity to see my son's art when he posts it. I think it also encourages him to persue his art.
I have to admit there are several blog sites that I love to visit. I love seeing others art growth and hearing what is up in their lives. Unfortunately I don't take time to keep up with my "real time" friends, moments dedicated to cyberfriends turn into precious hours with tangable people.
I'm not the only one, everyone I know is in the same boat.
It is sad that life has become such a busy place that visiting people hasn't a place. If you have a spare 5 minutes you can drop into someones blog and leave a note. I am getting selfish with my time as an extra half hour I invest in learning art. I even use extra five minutes to work on baby slippers, but it is usally in conjuction to reading and commenting in blogs. It's selfish but art, blogs and charity crafting are great stress relievers. Time management may be the answer but I don't have time to develop that skill yet.