Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Somewhat Hailey

I titled this Somewhat because it somewhat looks like Hailey. I need to work on using my eraser because in correcting a mistake I erased more than I wanted. Her nose and eyes looked more like her the first time.

The tiger is one that I drew at the library last week. I was just practicing so didn't try to put in all the stripes. It was a lot of fun. Maybe I can try drawing animals. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This is my third post that I have tried to post both have lots of information in them. They got lost in cyberspace. It's all I can think. I may edit this when I decide what I wrote before.

This clip art is from pccrafters/hugware Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

WDE - Oct 20 - Scott

Thursday, October 12, 2006

WDE - Oct 6

A apple study in colored pencil and graphite.
I am finally getting the idea of layering in both.

Monday, October 02, 2006

This is a sketch of an antique clock.

WDE Sailboat

Christopher Brandon is on the scene

Just had to pop in and record that Christopher Brandon made his appearance Oct 1, 2006 born in Payson. He has a ton of hair is tall and thin. His sisters are so excited.

He was born at 1:10 (I think), 7 1/2 lbs and 21 1/2 inches tall.

He looks like Brandon and Mark and has the Craner hands. Doesn't have the Craner head though. This may be a good thing.

I am the proud grandmother of 13 wonderful grandchildren. Funny is I don't feel old (actually I am not that old).

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Apple for scavenger hunt done in soft pastels on pastel paper.

WDE (Weekend drawing event) Sept 29. Thought the background was a good idea at the time. Don't think so now.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Trying my hand at figures. This was from a California Closets ad.

This was a sketch from WDE on Wet Canvas. It's David and doesn't look a thing like him.

A sketch of a boat from a reference photo. I added the guy playing pirate, DH thought it was a Hobie logo. I couldn't erase him so I left it in as a learning situation.

Sketch of a fall leaf. About 20 minutes with colored pencils.

This little girl just caught my eye. It is Anna at 18 months and she was eating what looks to be a marigold. She does look like the photo.

Another shot at the picnic spot

Autumn is here. We found a nice spot in South Fork, beyond the park. Spend some time sketching and reading before the wasped got too much

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I really have been drawing

This week I have drawn a picture of Anna at 18 months eating a marigold. A paper bag with pears, a pair of scissors and a charcoal chimney. I have also started a color pencil sketch of an area of Sarah's mission. Green trees, water, mountains and snow, the photo is beautiful. I also drew a picture of a women from a magazine, it was weird because of lighting you really couldn't see much of her face, too weird so I threw it away. Also a picture of a guy, didn't turn out too well so I probably won't publish it. Also have been doodling with rocks, quilt folds and pencil shavings. Okay but I am still drawing.

I have been in the canyon in a snow storm (actually flurries, but it is only Sept, good grief) but it was so cold that I could hardly draw. Our wonderful family were there bundled up like we were in the middle of winter, but they were there. I have never been so proud of my family, children (including their wonderful spouses who I consider my children), and grandchildren braving the elements to a gathering that meant so much to my dear husband.

I also have been going through stuff and putting them in boxes. I can't function and I can't really just get rid of everything so into the boxes it goes until I can take it box by box and find homes for it. I can't remember if it's Mt. Vernon or what is called. There is no rhyme or reason I am just putting things into the box. I am trying to just put things I know I don't need in the next couple of months. After my everything room I am doing the same with Julia's room.

I am frustrated as I can't find Heathers birthday present and I am afraid I have thrown it away. I can't find paperwork that I need and there is some lost library stuff. Of course I am keeping my art handy, as right now it is my sanity.

Hopefully I will be publishing some photos of my lastest. Maybe tonight while we watch the movies Julia got from the library.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My watercolor pencils and colored pencils that need some work.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekend Drawing Event 09/08/06 Waiting for Dad, drawn from a photo posted by the person hosting WDE. Derwent WC pencils on WC paper.

I did the black and white first and wanted to try it in color.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Quick and very out of proportion sketch of Y mountain. It is turning colors in the mountains already. Yikes.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I have always found colored pencils a wonderful medium to look at. On WC they started a beginners challenge. This was way harder than I thought it would be as I don't really understand mixing colors. I am going to play a little more and see if I want to learn this medium or if it will be too frustrating.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Colton at an angle. Started as an eye and kept going.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


I can tell I am making some improvement because my brush looks better than my first one.

something chocolate. Hershey minatures with nuts. Yummmm

#3 something transparent

#2 clock

scavenger hunt - #1 crackers

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can you believe scavenger #8?

I can hardly believe that we are at #8. This has really been fun and have met some really great artists.

Great new list, they all have been actually.

I thought it'd start with a cracker. How simple, yeah right, just try it some time.

Since ice cream and chocolate are on the list I'll just have to have some during the week so I can sketch it. :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Better WIP

WIP. Interesting it doesn't even look like the original sketch.

This starts the frustration. Okay it looks like a child, but it was suppose to be Gavin (sorry Em). I sketched this on paper so I will probably will finish it up, not watercolor. Sadly it looked more like him before I erased and redrew it.

The photo has a lot of shadows so no telling what it will finish looking like. Robbie keeps telling me I need to add the highlights and shadows but I haven't braved it yet.


As I wrote in my other blog I have been discouraged trying to sketch what I see. I found a sketching lesson on WC. Spent time yesterday doing hatch and cross hatching. It really is fun and I'll keep working on it because it is something I like.

The teacher has you do a pre-assignment. Something that is a challenge for you to draw.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another scavenger hunt drawing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Shortened the chin added some pencil marks

First try

Why Blog

Interesting information on another person's blog about why artist blog. It got me thinking about why I blog.

There are several good reasons why not to. Cyberspace is a scary place and not everyone is who they seem. Some of us cover up, some let down their walls. Sometimes it is a time waster. Just a couple of the negs.

It gives me a place to keep a hopefully daily diary of my sketching, keeps me modivated. Sometimes I get feed back which is gratefully appreciated. Another is while it still is a novelity it keeps me in touch with my daughter in law and one of my daughters. I love seeing what is new in their lives even though we have phones and email it is easier to see what is happening.

It has also given me an opportunity to see my son's art when he posts it. I think it also encourages him to persue his art.

I have to admit there are several blog sites that I love to visit. I love seeing others art growth and hearing what is up in their lives. Unfortunately I don't take time to keep up with my "real time" friends, moments dedicated to cyberfriends turn into precious hours with tangable people.
I'm not the only one, everyone I know is in the same boat.

It is sad that life has become such a busy place that visiting people hasn't a place. If you have a spare 5 minutes you can drop into someones blog and leave a note. I am getting selfish with my time as an extra half hour I invest in learning art. I even use extra five minutes to work on baby slippers, but it is usally in conjuction to reading and commenting in blogs. It's selfish but art, blogs and charity crafting are great stress relievers. Time management may be the answer but I don't have time to develop that skill yet.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Brand X

Brand X burgers - best hamburgers
At this angle I didn't get the sign. It really doesn't look like much but the food is good. I also know the composition isn't correct. It was a good exercise anyway.

At Dr Jakes office

WC hunt part of a door. This is what I did while waiting for daughter to get a root canal.

Lips and condiments

My lips WC hunt and condiments - red pepper flakes. Okay my lips don't look that good, but now I can see why my DH says I always look like I'm frowning.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Went to the library for some quiet sketching time. Found a magazine with cool looking sunflowers, but while finding the sunflower pages I discovered these tomatoes. Sketched them instead.

Truck sketched during lunch break. The front end of the truck was weird and hard to draw. Didn't have time to draw the bed of the truck.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Noses and eyes. Both are hard to do. I had fun with the noses

My sunglasses. Bifocals unfortunately, but at least I can read in the sun

shoes - used watercolor pencils and a water brush for the first time.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Scavenger Hunt #6 - coins, plastic and steps

I didn't plan ahead very well. This is for scavenger hunt #6, coins, something you step on and something plastic.

Still working on my contour drawings.

EDM #15 - a tree or trees

This is a pencil sketch I did at lunch time. There is a rail road track and on the right is a building (not a tree trunk) but I didn't have time to finish. I like the tree on the left better that the other two.

EDM - #15 another tree

A tree I could see in Albertson's parking lot while dropping off DD to work. New portable watercolor kit, I can't remember the brand but I like the way the colors laid down